reEnchanted Tracking
A Individualized Approach
ReEnchanted Tracking is a one-on-one teacher-targeted accountability approach designed for YOU.
Having a DAILY accountability partner can help to get you going and on track with daily accountabiliy goals for whatever is causing disenchantement for you RIGHT NOW.
You choose the goals. You choose the metrics. You choose the time frame.
Daily email/text/Voxer exchange for accountability.
Example of reEnchanted Tracking:
disenchanted issue: "I can't seem to get these papers graded!"
Goal: to be finished with this stack of papers by the end of the week
Assessment of the reality to decide metrics:
How many papers/assignments?
Time frame per paper?
Allocated time to complete task? daily/weekly
Priority level?
Accountability metrics:
Total number of assignments completed
x minutes/assignment
Daily number completed
Priority skills
Adherence level
Enchantement level